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tv   Fox 45 Good Day Baltimore  FOX  November 8, 2012 9:00am-10:00am EST

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there's no purchase necessary. welcome to life on fios. contact the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. welcome to life on fios. contact the verizon center 3 &pthursday, november 88h &p3 3 3 3 3 -3 3
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3 we are continuung to followw baltimore.weehave been following a carjacking involling a child for just under an hour nnw. arrived on the sceneeof the bbs stop where the suspeets dropped off the child minutes after ttking him.she joins us live now.megan what can you tell us? us? we justtgot off the phone with pplice and they confirm that a child was in a car that was &phappened on fairlawn avenneea short istance away at a bus 15 minutes ater.we seet megan gilliland to the sseneeand &pshe'll give us a live update as soon as she gets there. the man responsibbe for the tuscon shoottng spree... will be eetenced today. pleaded guilty to 19 counts...
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includiig the attempted assassination of former connresswoman, former assassinationnof the attempted counts... including guilty to 19 pleaded loughnerjared lee to. today.will be ennenced responsible for the man pheeggts thhre.update as soon and she'll give us a llve and there. -3 the man responssble for he tuscon shooting spree....will be sentenced today. today.jared lee louggner pleadeddggilty to 19 counts... including the attempted asssssination of former congresswoman, gabrielle giffords... were hurt. - giffood's husband... astronauu mark kelly... plans tooaapear in court for he sentencing... the family.peak on behalf f - a college student accused of f
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killlng her roommate beginss today.alexis simpson iss frazier last septemberrin their dorm aa bowii ssatt plaim it was self defense.nys - testiiony is set to behind next week. river, but the streets areea -3 still closed for blocks i downtown ballimore ...thanks to anothhr water main break. all of the residents who were evacuated yesterday are now bbck inntheir homes... and do have ater. bbttthings are still far from nooral. joel d. smith is live on charles street with the commuters will have to detour around this areaa it's goinggtootake days publii works is exppcted to removing of asphalt... o get - reelly is. l for how bad this - 3& at least the waterrhas been put oof, because yesterday, this street. water rushing everywhere. a 60--
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foot, cast iron water main burst at 8 a-m, and it didn't takeelonggtooflood the streets charlls street: closed frrm 21ss stteet -- throuuh north ave - all the way own tt penn station.public works says the most important thing t this point is to protect a gas line near the water main... o they're working closely witt situation. that means seeeral roads in this arra will remaii closed for the coming ays. patient. 21:20 this isnnt like when youu gg to your kitthen sink. you ust can't turn it on and turn it off. there's a number of turnssfor each valve, and &pthere areemany valves ttat ar involved in his 30patrick martin:"the water's gonn down &pa bunch ince i got here, butt it's pretty narly." underneath charles ssreet are &p90 years old,,nottunlike a lo of the infraatructure around paltimmoe, which is why pubbic works has set aside $300 situations like ttis before thhy happen. a 15 minute rideetook an hour today, make thoss aajustments guys. live downtown, joel d. smmth, fox 45 morning news. joel d. smith, fox 45 live downtown, adjustments guys. half yesterday.... tooo ann hhur nd a a 15 minute ride happen.situations like this try to stop next ive years to million over the set aside $300 hich is why aroond ballimore, infrassructure not unlike a lot f are 90 yyaas old, chhrles treet unnerneath the pipes bbt it's pretty " narly..aabuncc since i gott here, "the water's gone down patrick martin:are many valves that are each valve, ann there a number of turns for on and juut can't turn it you go to like when 3folkk to be patient. go to your kitchenn21:20 this isn't like when you go to your kitchen sink. turn t off. therr's a number
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of turns for eachh alve, and therr are many valles that are involved n this 30patrick martii:"the water'' gone doon a bunch sinnc i got here, but it's pretty narly." of the infrastructure around bbltimoree which is why public works has sett side $300 million over the ext five years to try tt stopp situattins like this before they happen. a 15 minute ride took an hour and a hhlffyesterddy.... ttday, make thoseeadjustments smiih, fox 45 mooning news.dd - morning news.joel d. smith, fox 45 live downtown, live downtoww, joel d. smith, fox 45 morning news..- if youucrave ccrtain foods each seasonn.. like candy corn aroond halloween... or eggnog around chrrstmas... you're not .
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findssmany americans have during certain seasons.jjss ds recently... a shortage of syrup ffr ssarbucks' puupkin spice lattes... caased panic among cussomers.reseaarhers sayythaats because we're used to routine.companies uue this "trained" effect... as a marketing strategy. coming up... sttaes in he nortt... hammered by a norr'ast. nor'eaater.1:00 "we're nott ready for this. not yet. it's too cold. it's too early for the biggest challenge... pesiddnts are now facingg 2:35 nobody told me while in president obbma. thankkyyu guys. i really ppreciate it." it."but next... election news aachor.the best on-aii poments... ou don't want to miss. you're watchiig ffx 45 good day altimmre.
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((bump out)) when we switched to fios, we got bettetv, better phone, better internet. it was like somebody like took our computer, shook all the junk out of it. we're actually getting more for our money with fios. [ male announcer ] it's time to get more for your money. upgrade to verizon fios internet, tv and phone with our best price online. just $84.99 a month, guaranteed for one year with no annual contract. there's at least three computers. [ girl 1 ] a tablet. [ woman 1 ] couple of gaming systems. we could all be running at the same time. we do not notice any dips. [ male announcer ] get tv rated #1 in customer satisfaction. and get the school year off to a great start with america's fastest, most consistent and most reliable internet. internet is absolutely imperative for school nowadays. look up this, write an essay on that. my life is greatly improved because of fios. [ male announcer ] move up to fios today for just $84.99 a month for a year. with no annual contract, there's no reason to wait. you should totally get fios. [ male announcer ] visit now and see if you qualify for a $5 amazon gift card. there's no purchase necessary. welcome to life on fios. contact the verizon center
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for customers with disabilities at 800-974-6006 tty/v. sometimessthe est part of an
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election... is re-living it... annhor. jeanne moos has a compilation of some of tte best and oddest 3 iffyou misssd the moment live, &plet's re-live it....president obaaa has been re-elected. pressdent of tte united stttess ii was a hard fought battle. (ssund effeet) the colbert report is ready to ppoject ttat cnn has projectedd that animal planet has 2012 residential election ii - paraak obama. talk about a thoughtful pundit. aafer fox commentator dr. chaales krauthammerrjoked... so as a psychiatristti will offfr to wwitt preecriptionn for anybody whh needssthem right
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now. but obama supporters were ecstattc. cnn even cut away to some in eeya. speeking of which....what woull an election night be without a romney's loss, trump ttweted this election is a total sham and travesty...we should have a revolution in this ountry which prompted nbc's brian williams to launch his zinger. dooald trump who has driven well past the last exit to reeevance..the exit for mitt romney was ohho, but after foxx ews called ohio for obama, the network's oon beett known commentator objected... we gotta be careffl bout callinggthings. that's awkward once karl roveequestionee the caal by fox's decisiinndesk, megyn kelly walled back there. go... e're actually quite n - mosttflak was abc's diane sawyer. ok can we have music
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&pbecause ttis is another big pne here ... viewers thought her delivery was strange...."'ll have what diane sswyer is having tweeted singer ooh groban. president minnesota... someene else n tweeted and diane sawyer declarre tonight's winner is...chhrdonnay. officially just eehaasted rom hurricanee coverage and debateeprep. ann do when she ets a call of nature while she's ii the caae back from thh bathroom - and aad that coloradd still too close to call. nobody told pe while innbathroom colorado thank you guys. i really aapreciate it. the one thing networks on't project are bathroom breaks. jeannn moos, pnn,,good newssfor mitt romney he has wwn tonight, we can announce ight nno, most of the confederacy. new yorr. still ahead... black frrday eals come
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shoopers.when its stores wwll be offering deep dissountss.. and the other stores... doiigg you're wwtching 3
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when it comes to snowfall... pe dodged the ullet this time. but some other folksson the east coast... were not as lucky. lucky. meteorologist mily gracey is live in federal hiil ... where preparationssweree ptken... ahead of the emily.ster.good morning, emily.- &p 3&p- cars stranded in onkers, y
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3 3 3 3 3 ,3
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coming a free stay... pt the four seasoos."how you can enter... next.
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and expect less elbbw rooo... if you're traveling by aii this thanksgiving hhlidaa. youure watccing fox 45 good day baltimore. 3 i got it when my internet here was faster than at my office.
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[ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. fios brings you the best tv picture quality... and internet ranked the fastest in the nation... it's one hundred percent fiber optic,
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one hundred percent different from cable. switch to fios for our best price online -- just $84.99 a month for a year... with no annual contract or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. go to today. that's and see why millions have chosen fios over cable. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v four easons hotel and resort is turning one... and for dinner...well there is a catth. morgan scott from our seesons hottl and reeorrs joins us this morniig with ore. - so stay and dinner?- hat elsee are you doing forryour first birthday?- ow can peopleeget i? involved? to learn more pbbut our seasoossfirst
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birthday log on to fox
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&pcoo slash morning. coming up... a photographer's hair catches wedding.we'll shoo yoo how the bbide reacts....just minutes from now. you're atching fox 45 gooo day baltimore. (((reak 4)) 3
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3 3 3 -harbor -harbor 3 3 p 3 3 3 3 33 map 395 map 3 3 3 mapp395 mapmap 395 map 3
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weeare continuing to follow breaking news outtof northeest baltimore.weehave beenn ffllooing a carjaccing over an hour now. for justt now.megan gilliland s on the scene of the buu stop where the suspectssdropped off the child minutes after taking him. sse joins us live now.megan we just got ff the phone wiih police and hey confirm that a
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child was ii car thaa was carjacked in east ballimore. happened on e caajackingg fairlawn aaenueeat 7::0.the phild was found a short distance away at bus stop on minutes later.we sent megan gilliland to the sceee and &pshe'll give us a livv uudate update as soon as give us a liieesccne and she''l gilliland tt the we sent megan avenue bus ssop n diitance child was at 7:30.fairlawn avenne happened on the 7:30.the chill was foonn a at - short diitance way at bus stop on walther avenue about 15 minuues later.we senttmegan gilliland to theescene and she'll give us a live update as soon as she gets there.. 3p anothhr water main break
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has city streets shut down during another morning drive. the thhrd major break this year flooded four blocks yesterday, and joel d. smith is live there nnw toosee how much longer those roads will be affected. puys... lookn to take days all of the residents who were evacuattd yysterday are now back in their homes... and do have water. 3 at least the wattr has been cut offf because yesterday, you needed a boat to navigate ttis stteet.. water rushing everywhere. a 60- foot,, cst iron watee mainn burst at 8 a-m, and it didn't in a 4 block radius. public works sayy the most important thing at thisspoint is to protect a gas line near the water main... so thhy'ree wwrrkng closely with b-g-e to monitor the situation. that means ssvvral roads in this area will remain closed for the coming days. the city is asking folks to be patient
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but there have been three major water main breaks in the city already this year.. 3& nzinga amon: 3"thhs is outrageous. i've stopped counting how many wwter main breaks we've had sinne the summer."patrick martin:"now we have the sandbar that maaes it look like florida, but weirder." weirder." the pipes underneath chaales street are of the infrastrucctre around t baltimore, which is why puulic works has set aside $300 miilion over tte next five years to tryyto ssop they happen. 3&public works ii expected to come hereesometime this morning to do more digginn and removing of asphhlt... to get p better feel for how bad this really is. live downtown, joel d. smith, fox 45 orning news.
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statts ii the nortteasttare punch.ttke a look at this &pdevastating video out of new jersey....where a owerful &ptheearea... hatts still --3 cannsee houses toopled ovvr... after being battered around.resiienns say it's too early in the season... to bee ealinn with snow. 1:00 "we're not reaay for &pthis. nnt yet. it's too cold. it'sstoo early for this" and headaches for air elays - ttavelers. hunnreds of fllghts in and out of the northeast have been canceled. singerrlady gaga is to help victims of superstorm - sandy. the artiit posted a new york and the american red
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cross on behalf of erself, her parents and sister. many other celebrities have also &pdonated their time and money, &ptoo... a ssar-filled tllthon recentty raised about 23- million bucks. if ou're traveling by laae crooded flight. flight.according too"airlines for america"... nearly 24-million peooleeare expected to fly between friday, november 16th and tuesday, &pnovember 27th.that's up 155- thousand passengers frrm last year.if you're looking or less crowded flight... ravel on thankssiving day. if you can't hold off until black friday to score the best llck.this yeaa... aamart is ssarting black friday on payy it plans o keep ts ny - stores open all day lonn.other stores foolowing this trend include sears... which plans to open ts doors at 8 p-m thanksgiving night... and best which plans to coming up...nd best buy which up... doo'' tticks... go
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viral.the most impressive thingghe's ableeto do... that's putting other dogs to shame. glee show nats nats and "glee" returns tonight... with aa all new episodee we pit down withh2 of the're watthing ffx 45 &pgood day baltiiore. ((break 5)) i got it when my internet here was faster than at my office.
9:39 am
[ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract.
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or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. fios brings you the best tv picture quality... and internet ranked the fastest in the nation... it's one hundred percent fiber optic, one hundred percent different from cable. switch to fios for our best price online -- just $84.99 a month for a year... with no annual contract or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. go to today. that's and see why millions have chosen fios over cable. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v ((ad lib meteorologist)) weaaher kid teass 3
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3&coming up... up... it isn't too often you see
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áthisá... a giraffe hanging out the back of a truck.where this bizarre highway &pglee show nats nats but next... "gleeks" rejooce! the hit show is bacc tonight... wiih an all new episode.what fans can &pexpect...'re watchin ((break 6)) day baltimore. i got it w was faster than at my office. [ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement.
9:44 am
fios brings you the best tv picture quality... and internet ranked the fastest in the nation... it's one hundred percent fiber optic, one hundred percent different from cable. switch to fios for our best price online -- just $84.99 a month for a year... with no annual contract or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. go to today. that's and see why millions have chosen fios over cable. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v the hit fox shoo returns
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tonight with an all new episodee nd a school production of "grease" is brradcasting is cory monteiih and chris colfeer all have ccvered a lot of good music ....but i
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imagine this had to bea fun episode to shoot.dd you have a shooo.bea fun episode tt shhot. do you have a favorite song from grease? cory-i understand yourr 3 your characteercory-i understand cory-iiunderstand your character finn is going to direct the production. cooy-lets talk about life 3
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before've had a lot of crazz jobs..((ess))))ll new glee onight at 9-pm here on fox45. hair catthes on fire... in thh - middle of a wedding.we'll show you howwthe bride reacts... next. and one dog's triiks... might put áyourá dog to shame.the imppessive skills this canine hhs... that as this video going're watching fox 45 ood day baltimooe..
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&pmeaas it's ttme for caught on. camera.this week... we start involving a pprson ábehindáá - a photoggapher was rolling... when another phottgrapher's hair catches fire- happened fter getting too close to a candde
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this nexttvideo is out of australii... ttannferred to a zzo- in a truck... riding ddwn a highway... head sticking out- the calm the whole time dogsscan do all sorts of tricks... like sit or fetch. put a video surfacing on capable oo more. more.take a look... - dog can --fetch he reeote -find his frisbee- open the
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fridde and grab a water bottle from enerrizedddogs... to pot-so-energized cats. cats.- cat can't stay a pillow... nodding offend ass 3
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- from sleeping catss.. to -&s stateesup north yes open! keep his eyes open!- little guy cannt babies- little guy can't keep his eyes oppn! states up nooth may be dealing with snow... but here in -&mar. a mucc different story. story.jonathhanmyers is bbck tempeeatures are expecteddtoo watching s weekend.yoo're - fox 45 good day baltimore. i got it when my iwas faster t.
9:54 am
[ male announcer ] when people switch from cable to verizon fios, there comes a moment when they get it. the difference 100% fiber optics makes. when i saw that picture, i really got it. i can enjoy the game better at home than going to the stadium. i got it when our apartment became the apartment. [ female announcer ] once you've got it, you get it. it's faster. it's better. so, what are you waiting for? switch to fios tv, internet and phone for just $84.99 a month for a year with no annual contract. or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. fios brings you the best tv picture quality... and internet ranked the fastest in the nation... it's one hundred percent fiber optic, one hundred percent different from cable. switch to fios for our best price online -- just $84.99 a month for a year... with no annual contract or get this great price and $300 back with a two-year agreement. go to today. that's and see why millions have chosen fios over cable. call the verizon center for customers with disabilities at 800.974.6006 tty/v
9:55 am
it began like every other school board immediating... until a man they all knew pulled out a gun... "i got a call. they said, mike, there's a man in the board meeting room with a gun." "i'd never seen evil like that in someone's eyes." "people were running everywhere-running for their lives." but there was a greater force at work that day... "it was a perfect halo of bullets around my head and none of them struck me." on the kidnappee and
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police tracked down wo suspectson fox 45 news t five.
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>> i've never seen evil like that in someone's eyes. >> lee: a school board is taken hostage. >> will you let them go? >> lee: by a gunman who >>nted revenge.


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